Why the flap about Brittney Griner?

I am thankful to see an American freed from Russian incarceration.

At the same time, I keep hearing her referred to as “wrongfully detained”. That tag is utter bullshit.

She was lawfully detained, presumably had a fair trial where she pleaded guilty to an act that was even illegal here on her home soil. (as I fight back my cold war upbringing and military indoctrination) She was sentenced, and began serving her sentance.

Others continue to sit in jail as they are not “worth” releasing a notorious criminal in exchange for them. Yet, here we have a sports celebrity. How many boxes does she check? Woman, black, LGBTQ+, two time gold medalist.

It is (quite) possible that she was a pawn in the Ukrainian war. While Putin is a giant piece of crap, he is not an idiot. He sucks militarily speaking and is a war criminal, but he is not a fool.

She was not wrongfully detained.

A .7 gram cannabis vape cartridge is nothing. It is a common size over the counter in a legal state cartridge. If she wants to have then, use them where it is legal, cool. If you want to have/use an a state where it isn’t legal, once must be very careful as they are taking a risk. if they get caught, suck it up buttercup and do the time.

Now taking that substance to a country that Jerry cannot blow Johnny in the privacy of their own bedroom, what are the chances that they will be open to drugs? Yeah, pretty unlikely, and she KNEW it.

For a WNBA star to have possession of a substance that even her own league has banned, shows that she may be stupid. Since she was through all of the testing as an Olympian, she knows what is okay and what isn’t. Taking her cannabis to Russia may have been a catastrophic level of stupid. A full on case of the dumb.

So Brittney, enjoy your freedom, that freedom that cost the US so much to bring about for you.

Oh, and those protests about how unjust the US and the national anthem is, perhaps you have had some time to think about that some more. Maybe that Star Spangled Banner is not such an oppressive tune now.

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