Donald Jester Trump

While I would dearly enjoy seeing Trump get what he deserves for believing that he is all that and a party size bag of chips.

While he was the biggest disgrace to ever wedge his fat ass behind the desk in the oval office, have no delusions about any charges that may be brought against him.

Regardless of how compelling the evidence is against him, keep this in mind. His followers are blind to actual justice. They are so diligently wolfing down the tard muffins and chugging the Kool-Aid that they will not see reason. Ration thought has become a lost art form to the GQP. (Please note that many of the true GOP do not suffer this malady. They are still capable of civil discourse.)

When and if charges are ever levelled, Dolt 45 will seek a trial by jury which is certainly his right. This is where our desire for justice will fail. What are the chances that The jury will be made up of 12 people who will honestly listen to the evidence with an open mind? It appears to be statistically improbable that you will not seat at least one trumplican?

When the Short-Fingered Vulgarian gets acquitted, his tiny mind and overinflated ego will perceive that as him being totally vindicated.

For my justice, I suspect will not come until it is my turn at the national urinal. Now if they want to reduce the national debt, they could charge ten bucks per bladder void…

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1 year ago

[…] When that failed, Cheeto-Von-Tweeto took to his private social media club to try to sway the narrative that he is an innocent man. While yes, innocent until proven guilty. We have heard the tape and we know better. If he comes away from this without any criminal convictions, it will prove that the justice system is broken and that there truly are two levels of justice in our nation. (Now, I have previously discussed the likelihood of any convictions and why those chances are slim while his cult is alive and well) [article link] […]