The attack on the U.S.S. Liberty

Some wonder why I am so critical of the Israeli government. This is one of the reasons. To be clear, I do not have issues with the people of Israel, especially those that are survivors of the pre-Israel days and their plight of roaming while being persecuted.

The attack on the USS Liberty remains one of the most controversial and debated incidents in modern military history. On June 8, 1967, during the Six-Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors, the USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship, was attacked by Israeli air and naval forces off the coast of the Sinai Peninsula in international waters. The attack resulted in the death of 34 crew members and the wounding of 171 others. The circumstances surrounding the attack, including its causes, motivations, and aftermath, continue to be subjects of intense scrutiny and speculation.

The USS Liberty, a converted World War II cargo ship, was equipped with electronic surveillance equipment and was stationed in the eastern Mediterranean Sea to monitor communications during the Arab-Israeli conflict. On the day of the attack, the ship was flying the American flag and clearly marked as a U.S. vessel. Despite this, Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats repeatedly attacked the Liberty for over two hours, subjecting it to strafing runs, napalm bombings, and torpedo strikes.

The Israeli government initially claimed that the attack was a case of mistaken identity, asserting that Israeli forces had misidentified the USS Liberty as an Egyptian vessel. According to Israel, the attack occurred amid the chaos of the Six-Day War, and the Liberty’s presence in the area was not communicated effectively to Israeli forces. However, many skeptics have questioned this explanation, pointing to various factors that cast doubt on the official narrative.

One aspect that has fueled skepticism is the advanced surveillance capabilities of the USS Liberty, which included sophisticated electronic intercept equipment. Some believe that Israel may have attacked the ship to prevent it from intercepting communications or gathering intelligence that could have been damaging to Israel’s war efforts or revealed its military strategies. However, concrete evidence supporting this theory remains elusive.

Furthermore, survivors and witnesses of the attack have reported incidents that seem difficult to reconcile with the idea of mistaken identity. For instance, crew members have described Israeli aircraft flying low and slow over the ship for an extended period before opening fire, as well as machine gunners targeting sailors who attempted to extinguish fires or launch lifeboats. These accounts suggest a deliberate and sustained assault rather than a mere case of misidentification.

In the aftermath of the attack, the United States government launched multiple investigations to determine the cause and circumstances surrounding the incident. The initial inquiries conducted by the U.S. Navy and the CIA concluded that the attack was a tragic case of mistaken identity. However, subsequent investigations, including those by independent researchers and journalists, have raised serious doubts about the validity of this conclusion.

Despite the evidence suggesting that the attack on the USS Liberty may have been intentional, the controversy surrounding the incident persists. Official documents related to the attack remain classified, contributing to speculation and conspiracy theories. The lack of a definitive explanation from the Israeli government has also fueled skepticism and mistrust.

In conclusion, the attack on the USS Liberty stands as a tragic and contentious chapter in the history of U.S.-Israeli relations. While the official explanation points to a case of mistaken identity amid the fog of war, lingering questions and inconsistencies continue to cast doubt on this narrative. The incident serves as a reminder of the complexities and uncertainties of warfare and the importance of seeking truth and accountability in the face of tragedy.

Israel and Palestine: Why I say screw ’em both

When I was in high school, I remember quite vividly watching the evening news one evening when a Palestinian boy had thrown a rock at an Israeli soldier who was in full battle dress uniform. What was the response for that transgression? Well it was quick, the boy was murdered by the solder.
I wanted to know why this boy risked his life like this, so I started to look into how Palestine was stolen by Israel.

Yes, I saw it as being stolen and for many years, most of my life in fact, I viewed the nation of Israel as Palestine.

Pretty recently I was pressed to look more deeply at the Palestine/Israel situation. This time, I went more deeply than I did as a young punk.

My views were also tempered by my military service. Yes, Israel has long been an ally to the United States. (I will NEVER forgive Israel for her attack on the USS Liberty.

We pour a cubic buttload of money into Israel. For what? Seemingly to have a “friend” in the Middle East.
Now, we give a bunch of money to Palestine as well. Why? Well for humanitarian reasons.

So let’s discuss the situation between the two “nations”. I am using nation for Palestine eventhough they really do not have a nation. They are but a mass of people living on land that their owners permit them to occupy.

Palestine wants a) its land back, b)sovreignty, and c) the elimination of Israel. For most of my life, I thought I understood their plight and shared the view.
Israel wants a) peace and b) per Bebe the elimination of Palestine.

The two sides wish to occupy the same land, yet eliminate the other. This cannot and will not work. They are unable to come to any form of understanding. Now with that said, I still despise the Israeli government for how it behaves, conducts itself, and pushes others.
For Palestine… meh, they have lost their claim to the lands. To the victor go the spoils.
On numerous times they have been offered land, and peace, but they are absolutist and will not accept the deals. When you initiate a war, and you lose land, you also lose the claim to it, legally and morally.

Lets look at the major milestones of their wars:

1948 Arab-Israeli War: Following the declaration of the State of Israel in 1948, neighboring Arab states, including Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq, launched a military intervention in Palestine, which eventually led to the first Arab-Israeli war.

1956 Suez Crisis: Israel, along with France and the United Kingdom, invaded the Sinai Peninsula in response to Egypt’s nationalization of the Suez Canal. – Bad Israel

1967 Six-Day War: Israel launched a preemptive strike against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, resulting in the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula, and Golan Heights. – Potentially Bad Israel – I was born during this war and I have not studied the points of instigation. This was when Israel brutally attacked a US Navy Science vessel.

1973 Yom Kippur War: Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on Israel during the Yom Kippur holiday, aiming to regain territories lost in 1967. – Bad Arabs acting on behalf of Israel.

1982 Lebanon War: Israel invaded Lebanon with the aim of eliminating Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) presence there, leading to a prolonged conflict. Bad Israel

First Intifada (1987-1993): A Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, marked by widespread protests and clashes. Bad Palestine

Second Intifada (2000-2005): A period of intensified Israeli-Palestinian violence, triggered by a visit by Ariel Sharon to the Temple Mount, leading to widespread conflict and incursions on both sides. Both bad.

Gaza War (2008-2009): Israel launched Operation Cast Lead in response to rocket attacks from Gaza, resulting in a large-scale military operation. Gaza got its dick smacked by Israel for its bad act.

Gaza War (2014): Israel launched Operation Protective Edge in response to rocket fire from Gaza and to destroy tunnels used by militants, resulting in a significant escalation of violence. Gaza once again got its dick smacked by Israel for another bad act.

2018-2019 Gaza border protests: Palestinians in Gaza launched mass protests along the Gaza-Israel border, which often led to clashes with Israeli forces. Protest are fine, but Israelis killing unarmed protesters is a party foul.

2021 Israel-Gaza conflict: Intense fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, sparked by tensions in Jerusalem and subsequent rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel. Gaza once again got its smacked silly by Israel for another bad act.

2023 Hamas launches rockets into Israel from Gaza. Israel responds with a brutal pounding and several war crimes because the Israeli government is full of “Don’t give a fuck about what is right or wrong” it is only a war crime if they can play the victim.

In the end where does that leave me and my opinions? Well, My opinions are my own and hold no real value to others I suppose. I do however feel compelled to note as I did early in this post that the Palestinian leadership has brought most of this onto themselves. I predicted at the begingin of this latest action that Netanyahu would go scorched earth on the Palestinians.

The neighboring countries need to open their doors to the Palestinians and take in those refugees. Those refugees need to accept that Palestine no longer exists and hasn’t since 1948. There are likely very few of them that were born in Palestine.

As for Israel, the US needs to defund them and the government officials need to stand trial for their war crimes. Not for genocide either, but everything else. Palestinian is not a genus on the human branch of taxonomy.

For all I care, they could both lose the land and turn it into a UN sanctuary for displaced citizens around the world and those people could remain their as long as they were lawful and peaceful. If they cannot live peacefully, then they can be deported to wherever the hell they came from or whomever would accept them.