The Adult Side of Pissed Off Pirate

The long time readers have well known that I am a fan of the erotic, the sensual, and sometimes the down right dirty.

There is a facebook page ( that covers the comedy side and I keep it devoid of politics. It is a place that I can share laughs as long as Facebook allows it. Those rat bastards do not understand humor. They ding me for failed fact checks. Who they hell care if their joke of the day is factual?!? I want it to be funny and that is it. What is next, objecting to a joke about two unicorns walking into a bar? (there is bound to be a joke for that, I just do not know it.)

As a step up, I have a private group on facebook ( By private group, I mean we do our best to weed out the kids. There is nothing that would be illegal for the underage to see, but we do not want to prematurely educate someone’s kids. That group is more adult oriented humor with some discussions mixed in.

There is a Tumblr page, but I have not done anything with it in over a year.

I do have a Twitter/X account (@Pissed0ffpirate) Be sure to use a zero not an O… someone beat me to that one.

Now, I have set up a Discord server (POP: Even Darker) to really expand the discussions or many adult related topics. It is a space space above all. The differing rooms help offer discussions to meet each persons needs without shoving the topic upon someone else who may not be into whatever the genre is of the room.

For the next seven days you can use this link ( after the week it will expire, but you can hit me up and I will get you a fresh link.

Come give it a look and see if you find a spot that you would enjoy.

Trying something new

I am playing with splitting the site into three parts.

If I get it right there will be the blog, a cybersecurity blog, and a store.

I may break the site at times as I learn new things.


Also on my list of things to work on is to adjust the horribly large ad block at top and bottom of the page. It is too large. I do intend on using ads, but modestly. It is how I plan on adding prizes for the Celebrity Death Pool.

A whole new build

Well, for those that have with me for a long time, this may be a shock.

I have migrated to a new server and as I contemplated moving all of the old content, I decided against it. It seems like a good time to get a clean start with no excess clutter to troubleshoot as I develop the new page.

For those that had email addresses and they stopped working, please let me know if you wish to continue using them and I will set them up on the new server.

I am checking out new commenting systems as well. The biggest flaw with IntenseDebate is that they did not develop with the times. They did not adopt social media commenting, so those who were connecting via Facebook, LinkedIn etc had to create an account to engage. My desire is for a more inclusive commenting structure without the need to yet another login to remember.