Fed vs Contractor

Because of what I do for a living now, those who have been following me for the last seventeen years (yes, time flies when you are drinking rum) no longer know where I work. Oh I did have that one dude who I fucked up his run for office and tried to get me fired over it… He got in touch with HR. What was his name, he swore he would make my life hell if I mention it. I guess I will have to find his name again.

Well back to the topic of the day. I am a federal employee. Not a big secret there are after all over two million of us. Now specifically where I work? That I am not revealing in a public forum. As a fed, I work with contractors.

I started as a contractor like so many do. Today, I took a stand for my colleagues as I refused (and will always refuse) to treat them less than I or anyone else. Yes, there are areas where we have to be treated differently due to regulations. We are good with this as rules are rules and by and large those rules are there to prevent issues in the ethics realms. (of course the previous administration could not spell ethics, let alone comply with them.) As an example, if a team has an event where the govt is paying for the fed’s food, the feds cannot pay for the contractors. Okay, the contractor’s employer or the contractor themselves are feed to pay that tab and both the feds and the contractors can enjoy the event together.

It will be a cold day in Hell before I treat people differently because of who signs their checks. These particular people are people that I love dearly. They are there for me ANY time that I need them, either professionally for my role, or personally as a fellow human being.

I took my stand in a meeting, and this caused a manager and wannabe manager to vocally state the positions that we were to treat them as less than feds. Screw that noise.

If you are in my closer circles, you understand that I hold my work family as dear as my own, and in many cases, closer.

There are people who have tangled with me that feel/felt that I do not carry myself with a high degree of respect. Those in my circles know better. they know that respect is a core tenet of my existence. My respect for nature and the animal kingdom surpasses even that for my fellow humans. But that is another topic.

For those that wish for me to follow the guidance of this morning and other recent days. Fuck off. You are simply lowering any forms of respect that we have/had for you. I will also not be silenced. You will have to deal with hearing from me if I feel that you are oppressing a loved one.

Just because something is procedurally correct, it is not necessarily right.